Robert Watt
World champion piper Robert Watt from the small town of Maghera in Ireland has achieved many of the highest awards for solo piping and pipe band playing.
His diversity and talent represents Celtic music from the ancient Piobairechd to the modern day. As well as the Great Highland Bagpipe, Robert also plays a range of Irish whistles and the bellows blown Lowland and Border Pipes. Some of Robert’s achievements for solo piping competitions and performances include the prestigious Highland Society of London’s Silver Medal for Piobaireachd, eight times winner of the MacCrimmon Trophy at the world's greatest Celtic Festival in Lorient Brittany, several ‘All Ireland’ titles and many others throughout the USA, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Africa and Asia. Robert has also played for a number of years as part of the world famous Field Marshal Montgomery Pipe Band at the highest level in grade 1 pipe band competition. When not on the road performing and teaching he enjoys living in Austria on 'The Green Hill’s of Tyrol,’ where he finds much inspiration for many of his compositions.